Hey everyone,

It's been a minute, hasn't it? I haven't got the happiest of updates, unfortunately.

Sadly, Peanut (my real-life corgi and the inspiration behind half of this comic) passed away a little while back. Though I wanted to tell y'all sooner, it's been tough trying to find the right words. Dealing with Peanut's passing stifled me both emotionally and creatively.

Without going into all the details, Peanut fell into a rapid decline, and we were left with no choice but to say goodbye. His departure happened during a time when I was supposed to be celebrating and handling the promotional responsibilities of my second book - ironically, a collection of comics all about him.


Needless to say, the process has been difficult, which is why I haven't sent updates in recent weeks. Peanut was the inspiration behind the main corgi character in my cartoon series; he was Slothilda's furry pet companion and best friend.


He was also my real life work buddy, and undoubtedly the most loving member of our family...almost to a fault. My wife and I used to joke that Peanut was the worst guard dog ever because he never barked. Instead he only knew how to make cute happy whiney noises, ask for belly rubs from anyone willing to give him one, and make friends with everyone along the way.

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I miss the little guy, and I forget that he's gone. I still turn the lights on expecting to see him at the foot of the bed, and sometimes when I look for my keys to open the door, I wait to hear him clumsily gallop over, so he can launch straight into me like a furry little rocket.

The house is a little emptier now, and inspiration hasn't come to me as quickly as it used to. But...I'm slowly coming out of this slump, and I'm grateful that Peanut and his spirit live on through all the comics we've come to love and enjoy. I'd like to keep this series going, so I hope to be back on track for y'all again soon.

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Until next time, take care, and give your fur babies an extra squeeze for me. Talk soon.

