⇩ Scroll down to see fan photos of the Slothilda & Peanut plushies! ⇩


If you already got one, would you mind leaving a quick rating or a review? It would help me tremendously for BARK to know you’re enjoying the toys!

Rate the Slothilda plushie HERE.

Rate the Peanut plushie HERE.

Do you have a photo you’d like to share?

Shoot me an email at slothilda@slothilda.com, and I’ll be happy to add yours to the gallery!

By the way, it’s not too late to pick up a plush toy. BARK still has some stock available!

Here are those links one more time in case you’d like to leave a rating or a review on the toys. Your honest feedback would be much appreciated! 😊

Rate the Slothilda plushie HERE.

Rate the Peanut plushie HERE.

Thanks for all your support!